On the recommendation of Tim Ferriss, this is the first book that I read on Stoicism. The first time through it made an certainly made an impression, but it was the second and third pass where the ideas and teachings really started to stick. Irvine, a professor of philosophy, makes Stoicism accessible and practical to our modern world. If you’re new to Stoicism, this is a great book to start with.
Considered one of the “Big 3” of ancient Stoic philosophers, Epictetus was born a slave who later gained his freedom and taught philosophy for the rest of his life. Although he endured a permanent limp, Epictetus taught that we should learn how to be content with the life we have and that we are truly in control of our own happiness. To our benefit, Epictetus’ teachings were written down by his student Arrianus and survived over the centuries.
Marcus Aurelius, considered the last of the “Good 5 Emperors” of the Roman Empire, is also one of the “Big 3” of ancient Stoic philosophers. His personal journal, which became the work known as Meditations, was not meant to be a published work, but throughout his writings, we see a man who, although at the pinnacle of power, reminds himself to act with compassion and understanding while ruling over the largest and most powerful empire of his day.
As a chief advisor to Nero, Seneca was one of the most influential men of his time and tried to reign in the paranoid and erratic Emperor. Seneca was a playwright and author of several books but is most known for his writings on stoicism. His letters to a young friend on how to live a good life are one of his most treasured and lasting works.
Carl Jung said, “Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate.” This might seem an odd choice for a stoic book, and the title is certainly provocative, but this is one of the best books I’ve run into about facing up to your shadow self. We all have parts of us we don’t like, don’t understand, and wish would go away, but to become a more whole person, we have to accept ourselves for who we truly are. This book helps us move past our ego defenses and learn to not only accept, but to love those dark parts of us.
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